Untitled Space Game: Dev Diary 1

 It actually does have a title, but I'd rather reveal it with a nice logo and not some terrible web font.

It's taken me a good few years to getting round to making a game, because putting it off indefinitely is easy. All 6 of you reading this can rest easy that if all goes to plan, there'll be an actual finished game out there in the wild...eventually.

One of the biggest time wasters was figuring out which platform to make the game on / with. I know my way around some code, but I'm certainly not a coder. I can do visuals (rusty visuals, because I'm very rusty). I can do music. I like stringing together narratives that have a definite end point but include a lot of wiggle room for doing something entirely unrelated.

About eight years ago I had a play with Twine, decided it couldn't do quite what I wanted it to, and continued to not make a game.

Now, at the grand old age of a lot, I'm back and digging it out again.

I could spend forever messing with the innards of Godot or tinkering at the edges of RPG Maker, but it turns out Twine was my solution after all...in a manner of speaking, and not without some major messing about.

Anyway, I thought it'd be useful to map out what I'm doing as much for me as anyone else. I'm rather enjoying the challenge of "How do I make this thing do what I want" so now you're along for the ride too.

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