Speaking Engagements

If you're interested, below is a list of all the conferences I've given a talk at. I've left smaller events off, but I have included a guest lecture spot at a University as it was a fun thing to do. A few of the below have video / audio / recording - I've included a link where appropriate, and have also included links to articles which may add some context to the various presentations.

2006 Antispyware Coalition Conference (US) Tracking Spyware Across Borders
Maneesha Mithal, FTC
Chris Boyd, FaceTime
Katherine Tassi, Washington State AG

2007 Antispyware Coalition Conference (US) Internationalization of Spyware [Blog post]
Chris Boyd – Facetime
Lindsey Wegrzyn – Earthlink
John Levine - CAUCE

2007 RSA
(US) Botnet Live: Chris Boyd & Wayne Porter [EWeek], [CNET], [Pics]

2007 InfoSec Europe (London) - Botnet Attacks

2008 RSA (US) Echo boom hackers: Chris Boyd & Robert Vamosi [3 part article: [1], [2], [3]

2008 - InfoSec Europe (London) - Social Networking in the workplace

2008 Antispyware Coalition Conference (US) CSI Malware [Blog post]
Alex Eckelberry, Sunbelt Software
Chris Boyd, FaceTime Security Labs
Lance James, Secure Science Corporation
Cindy Southworth, NNEDV
Luke Erickson, FTC

2009 SecTor (Canada) Game Over Man: Gamers Under Fire [Video], [News]

2009 InfoSec Europe The Rise of Business in Web 2.0

2010 HacKidCon (US, Boston) Safe(r) Gaming [Blog post 1], [Blog post 2]

2010 IRISSCON (Ireland) Plugging a 2.0 Gap [Blog], [Content summary]

2011 RSA Europe Videogame Consoles: Threats to Workplace Security [News], [Blog 1], [Blog 2]

2011 VB2011 (Barcelona) Web Browsers: A history of rogues [Abstract], [Slides], [Blog post]

2011 RootCon 5 (PH) Console (In)Security: The Oncoming Storm [Slides]

2012 IRISSCON (Ireland) You Fumbld Your Tumbl

2012 RSA (US) A Timeline of Disaster [Youtube - Follow up student audience session], [Blog]

2012 Rootcon 6 (PH) AdverGaming the System [Slides], [Pics]

2013 RootCon 7 (Philippines) Ouroboros [Talks list], [Presentation Direct DL (PDF)], [Pics],
Chris Boyd
Jovi Umawing

2014 Northumbria University Working in Infosec

2015 BSides London The Writey Writer's Guide to Writing Writerly [Roundup post]

2015 IRISSCON (Ireland) Bad Ads

2016 IP Expo (Manchester) The Future of Cybersecurity [Youtube]
Chris Boyd - Malwarebytes
Dr Daniel Dresner
Lee Barney
Paul Ducklin

2016 Infosec Europe (UK, booth presentation) The Threat Landscape [Roundup post]

2016 VB 2016 (Denver) Uncovering the secrets of Malvertising [Blog]
Chris Boyd - Malwarebytes
Jerome Segura - Malwarebytes

2016 SANS European Security Awareness Summit (London) Tackling CFO Fraud

2016 IRISSCON (Ireland) Always read the EULAAARGH

2017 BSides Edinburgh Privacy Policies: The realm of the legible word salad

2017 Steelcon (Sheffield) Mahkra ni Orroz


2017 BSides Manchester Malvertising: under the hood


2017 VB2017 (Madrid) Exploring the Virtual Worlds of Advergaming

2017 IRISSCON (Ireland) Mahkra ni Orroz

2018 B-Sides Manchester: The Digital Entropy of Death

2023 VB London: The history & tactics of visa-centric scams

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